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Caste System Versus Love

Mahasweta Devi’s “Dhowli” is a sad story of an innocent young girl born in India with its caste system. Dhowli must follow the predetermined lifestyle of a Dusad untouchable. Following the events in her life, we see Dhowli grow from an innocent little girl (as seen through her past actions and decisions due to her circumstances) to a determined and persevering young girl.
Imagine having being put into a prearranged marriage at a very young age where there was no love between husband and wife. Dhowli accepted that. She accepted eating the daily left over food and being beaten up by her husband. She returned home after her husband died of fever because she didn’t like the way her husband’s brother was “eyeing her”.
On the other hand, Dhowli loved to remember the fun times she had with her father when she was little. She also enjoyed the peace she found in the woods. She would lay down or go for a “dip in the stream”.
Dhowli knew that a widowed woman could neve...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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