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To know exactly when the first ideas for the design of a car cam about you would probably have to go way back to 4000bc when the primitive man first made "the wheel", an invention which paved the way in so many ways today. Various wheel orientated inventions where devised thanks to the invention of the wheel such as hand carts, wheel burrows, horse and carriages, bicycles and soon enough the ideas for the first ever automobile came around.
Automobiles have changed a great deal since the invention of the Model T. Cars today look more like something from a science fiction movie rather than a normal car. Even with all of the technological advancements there are still many dangers while driving a car. Human error is probably the most dangerous of all. This essay will discuss how cars are being developed to be safer and more efficient to drive.
Safety Advancements
Many automotive engineers are working on systems that will reduce human driving errors. The systems will help t...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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