Back to category: English Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Buddy Buddy Buddy comes from a family, which doesn’t really treat buddy with respect. His mother and his father don’t help Buddy especially not his father. One day Buddy was offered to go on a school trip but he didn’t dare tell his mum or dad because he knew they couldn’t afford it. So as Buddy really wanted to go on the trip he stool £5.00 out of his mother’s purse. Once Buddy stool £5.00 he said to himself that he better stop stealing other wise he’ll turn out like his father. At school Buddy was a very bright kid and he was moved to the top class which was called the 3E class. 3E meant E = express. Buddy thought that he should tell his mum about the money but he knew that he would get yelled at. Buddy was quiet upset because his mother and father spent more money on cigarettes and not on him. Buddy mum and dad always argued and it was normal about Buddy’s dad wasting a lot of money at the pub and he mixing with the wrong crowd. ... Posted by: Chad Boger Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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