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Boeing's Core Competencies

Core Competencies
A Core Competency is a special skill or technology that creates unique customer value. According to strategic management literature, core competency should provide significant and appreciable value to customers relative to competitor offerings and be difficult for competitors to imitate or procure in the market, thereby creating competitive barriers to entry.
Boeing has been known for its diversified culture of business, and therefore, multiple competencies that make this company exceptional. However, based on our own analysis of this business establishment we would like to concentrate on select few competencies that have a potential to gain distinctiveness in short future.
Boeing itself identifies three main core competencies: detailed customer knowledge and focus, large-scale systems integration, and lean enterprise.
Detailed customer knowledge and focus
Boeing commits to understand, anticipate and be responsive to customers' needs. Phil Condit, companyĆ¢ā‚...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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