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A constant theme throughout the history of literature and drama that often intrigues people and catches their attention is the use of blood. Blood shows guilt or shame due to someone’s actions, victory or triumph over an enemy, or even courage in battle. But no matter how it is used, blood intrigues an audience and keeps people in suspense. It hooks people into the plot and ensures that they will be interested through the end. This is shown throughout William Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
One of the biggest ways that blood is used in Macbeth is to show guilt. After Macbeth has killed Duncan and Lady Macbeth returns from placing the daggers in the hands of the guards, they are both colored with the blood of the king. The red stains are unmistakable proof that they are guilty. If anyone were to see them in that state, they would have no hope of eluding severe punishment, but they were very quick to change out of their blood stained clothes and wash the blood from their hands...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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