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DBQ- The Russian Peasantry
Keith Jacobs< Per 1 >Mr. Rodriguez

From the day serfdom was abolished to the start of World War I, the conditions of the Russian peasantry was perceived differently by many different citizens of Russia. The poor conditions sought change and many Russians had different ideas on how to change these conditions. Although the peasants/serfs were free, not all was well in the big bear-like heart of Russia.
Many Russians shared the views of revolutionary non- Marxists. Some non-Marxists believed that the emancipation of the peasants had caused village life to crumble and fall apart (Doc 3). They saw how the serfs had what they initially wanted yet no social order. The lives of the freed peasants were still bad and nobody cared about others private interests. Although the peasants didn’t physically revolt (Doc 1), the thought was surely in their poor minds. These non-Marxists didn’t believe in the theories of Karl Marx, yet would surely support...

Posted by: Melissa T. Littlefield

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