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Banking Concept of Education

“The “Banking Concept” of Education” is Paulo Freire’s careful analysis of the teacher-student relationship through two entirely different types of education, the banking concept of education and problem posing education. Freire describes both the banking concept as well as the idea of problem posing education in terms of the teachers and not the students. He devotes most of his time to explaining the basics of the banking concept of education, and fails to give a concrete example of a student in the problem posing education. Friere fails to describe in full detail a student in problem posing education intentionally, because he wants us to determine ourselves what the ideal student is by using the basis for problem posing education, learning how to think as an individual. His goal is to make the reader creatively discover his point of view and understand his motives for his style of writing in the “Banking Concept of Education.”

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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