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Back at the ranch

“Homes really are no more than the people that live in them.”- Nancy Reagan
What do you look for when buying a home? Obviously, some people realize it is the people that count more than what the house or belongings look like. The people of the medieval ages looked for well-constructed, protective, and useful castles. The construction of castles needed to be architecturally solid in order to provide protection and be useful and functional in design to fit the needs of the resident.
When designing a house, a person wants it to be designed to their need. Although designers wanted the castles to fit the needs of the resident, other elements played a vital role in the construction. Depending on where the castle was going to be built, decided what materials would be used for the building. Many materials were used to build castles, but the most common ones were stone, brick, clay, and timber (Brown 28). Depending on what the castle was going to be used for also was a decis...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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