Back to category: Miscellaneous Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. assessment Leadership Styles and Strategic Planning Carol Marion Cook May 1, 2003 How can a leader suddenly share power to become collaborative in decision-making? Is there any substantive difference between a leader who practices authoritarian leadership and one who practices transformative leadership? The research shows an identifiable difference between authoritarian and transformative leadership. These differences center on the way leaders define and use power. Cryss Brunner (1997) quoted power as the ability to get things done with other people. It is viewed as a process in which power holders possess certain motives and goals, having the capacity to secure changes in the behavior of a respondent, human or animal, and in the environment, by utilizing resources in their power base, including factors of skill, relative to the targets of their power-wielding and necessary to secure such changes (Burns,1976). This view of power deals with a relationship among all of the followi... Posted by: Gina Allred Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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