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People And Their Beliefs
Life's struggles, seem to remain the same no matter what day of age. Technology and the advancement of the human race has little or no effect on what people still battle with on an everyday occurrence. In the play of “Antigone” the conflicts of humanity vs. the gods, the state vs. the individual, women vs. men, youth vs. age, and the living vs. the dead, in Ancient Greek society are explored. Contemporary audiences can still strongly relate to these conflicts even though taking place in ancient times. Antigone even by modern times would be more closely sympathized with than Creon, because of the common values which we are still taught today. These values are loyalty, persistence, the freedom to practice religion and most importantly honor the dead.
Within the play there is much outweighing evidence which supports, such as the common people and how they still put the decree of the gods over any laws made by men. Even the Chorus who close...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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