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Animal Farm: The animals compared to people from The Russian revolution.

The animals compared to people from the Russian revolution.
By Julian Sym

Most of the characters in animal farm have counterparts from the Russian revolution, or are related to different parts of the revolution in some way. Since the book was based on the Russian Revolution, the main animal characters and people in the story represent individuals, or different groups of Russian citizens. The book starts out very much like the actual Russian revolution; with hopes for a new empire where all are equal, and the unfair, unjust leader is thrown out. This is related to when Mr. Jones is overpowered by the starving animals (as written on page 12). Then it goes into where different individuals begin to take more power than they should. Gradually the “rulers” have taken over the “kingdom” and the farm is back to functioning as it was under Mr. Jones. I will compare the characters form Animal Farm to the Russian revolution from ‘top’ of the ...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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