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Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol constantly warned people not to look any deeper than the surface of his art and life-and he insistently connected the two. He aggressively advertised his superficiality in both spheres in a carefully deadpan performance of innocent unconcern. From this, he left us with one central insight: that in a culture gutted with information, where most people experience most things through second or third hand through T.V. and print, through images that become banal and disassociated by being repeated, there is a role for affectless art. You no longer needed to be hot and full of feeling. You could be super cool. And Andy Warhol certainly felt and embodied this idea.
Warhol was born Andrew Warhola. According to his birth certificate, he was born in Forest City, Pennsylvania on September 28, 1930 (Warhol claims this birth certificate is a forgery). He grew up a sickly kid in a working-class neighborhood. He was the only member of his family to attend...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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