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Andrew Carnegie Wealth

To understand the concept of “Wealth” by Andrew Carnegie, you must first understand a little bit about Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie began his career as a minor employee in a telegraph company, until he emerged as a superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He then entered the iron and steel business, and by 1889 he had eight companies. Shortly before he died, he merged the Carnegie Steel Corporation with the United States Steel Company. In result to this, Carnegie got his title of being one of the world’s richest men.
Carnegie took the task of managing his fortunes wisely. He felt himself as a hero of the working people, yet he disliked unions. He found himself to be a contributor of many public services like opening libraries, money for teachers, and funds to support peace. Carnegie believed that richness comes from education of families.
He thinks that money is a good thing, and it keeps civilization moving in a positive direction. Howev...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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