Back to category: Miscellaneous Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Analyzing an Advertisement Advertising is everywhere. You will find advertising in a magazine, on a billboard, on a vehicle, in the sky, on the internet, on fashion and even on peoples’ bodies, just to name a few. The purpose of advertising is to sell something. Advertising is basically news. Ads should educate and inform, as well as persuade and move people to action. In the advertisement I am analyzing I will pick it apart and describe it as it appears to me. I believe this advertisement is trying to reach people with pets. It shows a picture of a pet, a kitty to be exact.. It goes on and on to explain how it’s the best deodorizing, scoopable kitty litter. And as a cat lover, your cat deserves the best. But more specifically, I think this company is trying to reach mothers, who are pet owners. It’s not just a cat, but a helpless kitty who is so innocent and looks to you for their every need. Just as the mothers’ own baby would. Every child deserves the best. Whether it’s your ch... Posted by: Jennifer Valles Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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