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An Exploration of the Ideolody of Hyman

Hyman focuses on three interpretations of the title "Imagined Solidarities". Firstly, he believes that worker or trade union solidarity is an unattainable concept. Secondly, he states that solidarity is nothing more than an unrealisable utopian ideal. Thirdly, he believes the integration of diverse employee interests can only be achieved through post-Fordist creative and innovative means.

Marx (1867) believed that workers were united by a common interest and that unions had a mission to voice this interest. There are three foundations for this assumption. The first foundation was the idea that human emancipation required material force. Piore and Sabel (1984) describe Marx view that the Government was an accomplice to the landlords oppression of peasantry. For a whole class to have its interests addressed the entire society to which it belonged had to change. Secondly, Marx believed that those workers who did enjoy distinctive interests did so as relics of a pre capit...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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