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American citizen's duties and obligations to the government based on the constitution

The fathers of the Constitution explicitly pointed out that the people do “ordain and establish this Constitution” not for themselves, but for “the United States of America.” John F. Kennedy remarks, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.” These statements come to the same conclusion: the people of America have a greater duty and obligation to serve their country than they do to their own self-gain.
Lets us refer to the Bill of Rights as an example. This is a set of ten amendments that went into effect in 1791, only two years after the new government had been created. The citizens of the of the United States of America wanted the Constitution to include a list of protected freedoms even though the writers of the Constitution assumed that the federal government did not threaten a person’s liberties because it had such limited powers. Nonetheless, several sates would not ratify the Constitution until t...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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