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In preparation for changing times, amendments were introduced as a way to create changes or addition the constitution. Framers of the constitution provided two methods in which amendments could be proposed. The first way an amendment could be proposed is by a two-thirds vote from both houses of Congress. The second way to propose an amendment is to have a national convention called by Congress. The request for a national convention must come from the legislators from two-thirds of the states.

The first ten amendments comprise The Bill of Rights. These ten amendments were passed in the twentieth century and are representative of today’s society. The first amendment is the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. The second amendment states the right to bear arms. The third is protection against quartering of soldiers in private homes, and the fourth is the protection against unreasonable search and seizure of people, homes, papers, and effects, and a provis...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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