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advertising and children

Advertising - an overview

What is it
Advertising directed to children includes paid advertisements or commercials that appear in TV programs specifically made for children or in other programs for children and where the product is principally of interest to children under the age of 13 years.
Where does it occur
Free-to-air TV
Advertising directed to children occurs:
• in TV programs that are specifically made for children (such as C programs on commercial TV)
• in other children's programs (such as cartoon programs), and
• in other G programs.
The amount of advertising can be as high as 15 minutes per hour.
Sometimes, the descriptions of prizes for a competition, or the demonstration of a product in a cartoon program can be construed as advertising. Such practices should occur in discrete segments within the program.
Pay TV
Pay TV also carries advertising directed to children, but at a lower level of minutes per hour.
Advertising d...

Posted by: Gelinde Cobbs

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