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Adolf Hitler

In what ways was Adolf Hitler’s life remarkable?

Hitler was a German political leader, one of the 20th century’s most powerful dictators, who converted Germany into a fully militarised society. He launched World War II – though this isn’t something to be proud of, it isn’t something anyone does everyday. By making anti-Semitism a major key of his propaganda and policies, he was able to build up the Nazi party into a mass movement. There was a time when he dominated most of Europe and North Africa.

In what ways was Adolf Hitler’s life despicable?

Endless trains took millions of Jews to extermination camps… Hitler caused the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of Jews and others who he considered inferior human beings. When Hitler came to power, he quickly established himself as a dictator. Thousands of anti-Nazis were hauled off to concentration camps and all signs of dissent were suppressed. An Enabling Act, which was passé ...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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