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Adolescence: A phase of mass contradictions

The topic we will discuss today is the phase of adolescence in a person’s life. This is the phase that is considered to be the best years of one’s life and yet all those who have been through it cannot deny the fact that it is full of mental conflicts and contradictions where nobody can actually predict the mood swings one actually goes through.
Adolescence: A phase of mass contradictions. This is one statement that no one can really deny. We will prove this point in the course of our paper and for our study on the topic though we will be considering one of the works by James Joyce, ‘Araby’.
The phase of adolescence is one that is full of idealism and very clear and distinct ideas about ‘light’ and ‘dark’, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and ‘black’ and ‘white’. The gray shades of life never really cross the minds of individuals of this age. People in this phase of their lives are extremely innocent and yet are in the phase where they are trying to come to terms ...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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