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Porscia Hines
38% of the estimated 210 million pregnancies that occur worldwide each year are unintentional, 22% end in abortion. The issue of abortion has produced contradictions for many years. Abortion is an induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of a baby that is incapable of survival. The abortion process is presented and explained by those who support abortion as being safe, but it is pre-planned murder. Abortion should not be an option. There are other ways to go about not having to raise your child, instead of killing it. There are adoption agencies that will find a good home for your child. Now you can even leave your baby at the hospital after you have given birth with no questions asked., so why kill your baby, a part of you, when you don’t have to? Mothers have to remember that the baby did not ask to be born. The child should not have to suffer because you feel that you have made a mistake. Everyone deserves a chance.
A law should be m...

Posted by: Jason Cashmere

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