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Probably one of the most ethical issues in the past fifty years, the concept of abortion created an eternal debate that opposed different opinions. It is nearly impossible anymore to find someone who doesn’t have an opinion about abortion, and probably a strong opinion at that. Yet the endless debate on the topic usually goes nowhere, leaving the opponents even more committed to their positions and the open minders confused. Both sides make a good case. An unwanted child is a pitiful thing, and the attendant social problems (single motherhood, financial destitution, child neglect, and urban overcrowding) do not have easy solutions. On the other hand, the thought of terminating something that, if left to run its natural course, would immediately result in the birth of a human being gives all but the most hard-headed among us cause for serious introspection. In order to understand the true meaning of the abortion act, we should approach ...

Posted by: Gelinde Cobbs

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