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A mid summer nights dream


A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy of situations and
confusions, which are further complicated by a group of fairies
interfering and interacting with human beings. In short, the play
resembles a pleasant dream where no one can be sad or
disappointed for long. The interest lies not in the evolution of
characters but in the development of the actions and the events
that contribute to them. Hence, the characterization is rather
shallow with most of the characters not changing from beginning
to end.


Theseus is the Duke of Athens, whom Shakespeare depicts as a
warrior, a good administrator, and a man of action and emotion.
He is the first character seen in the play, as he talks to his fiancée,
Hippolyta. Although he has met her on the battlefield as Queen of
the Amazons, he has fallen deeply in love with her. They are to be
married in four days, and Theseus is eager for the time to pass
quickly. When Egeus interrupts the scene...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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