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A Doll’s House

Many times the title of a play suggests the theme of the story and many other themes. A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, is one of many plays that display the relationship of the title to the theme.
A Doll’s House is a play about Nora, a woman who experiences a moment of clarity in which she finds herself. In the play, Torvald, Nora’s husband became sick and in order to help her husband regain his health, Nora secretly borrowed money without his permission, from Krogstad, the man who Torvald plans to fire. Krogstad threatens Nora that he will tell Torvald in desperation to keep his job. Nora pleads with Torvald to let Krogstad keep his job, but this only makes him want to fire Krogstad even more. Although Nora tries very hard to keep Torvald from receiving the blackmail letter from Krogstad, she fails to do so and he receives the letter. After reading the letter of blackmail, Torvald accuses Nora of being...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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