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A Doll House

A Doll House

In this play, I will attempt to analyze the character, Nora Helmer, at the moment she is making a crucial decision, identify the situation, explain the reasons for her decision, and speculate about the possible consequences. Nora Helmer is a wife and mother of three small children whose purpose in life is to bring happiness to her family. When her husband, Torvald Helmer, becomes sick, Nora secretly borrows money from a man named Krogstad to pay up for a trip to Italy where her husband can be healed. Torvald, who later becomes Bank Manager, knows nothing of his grave condition. The choices for women were limited at the time and they could not borrow money without their husband’s consent. In her despair she clandestinely borrows the money and forges a bank note.
They take the trip and her husband is restored to full health, however, Nora needs to secretly save money to pay up her loan. She is forced to buy cheaper clothes and cut corners as muc...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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