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A Comparison and Contrast Essay on War of the Worlds and The Door in the Wall by H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells was an author of many books. He is probably most known for War of the Worlds and starting the genre of science-fiction. His writings were of fiction and non-fiction. He wrote of topics such as science, history, politics, and literature. War of the Worlds was one of his most well known novels especially after the U.S. went into panic when it was broadcasted over radio. “The Door in the Wall” was a famous short story of his which seemed to be quite eerie and somewhat confusing. Both of these books have similarities and difference between each other. But one holds more than the other. In my perspective they hold more difference than similarities.
There are a few similarities in “The Door in the Wall” and War of the Worlds that can be picked out. The most obvious is of course that they were both written by the same author, H.G. Wells. Both of these books are of the science-fiction genre. On a smaller scale they also hold something that dea...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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