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¡°She was forced to write that way¡­¡±

Sylvia Plath, a talented American poetess, published her first poem when she was only eight. Her major success laid in the publishing of The Colossus-a series of poems by Plath-along with various other infamous poems (Brennan 15). Many critics were delighted of her use of proper techniques and considered it to be enjoyable for most intelligent readers and other poetry lovers of the like (Brennan 15). Plath lived a turbulent life; she expresses most of her pain in her work. This is especially evident in her poetry in Ariel, which is a collection of the poems published after her death, which she had written in the last five years of her life, before her suicide in 1962 (Wagner-Martin 11). She is said to have made art from the crucial issues of her life, Wagner-Martin mentions that ¡°Plath has voiced anger as well as hope and she spoke of sorrow as well as joy¡± (11). Sylvia Plath¡¯s father died when she was young, however she never mourned for his death until a while after, w...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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