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“How important was Martin Luther King Jr’s Contribution to theCivil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s?”

“How important was Martin Luther King Jr’s Contribution to the
Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s?”

Martin Luther King Jnr is well know through the world for his dedication to the advancement of coloured peoples civil rights along with his undying faith in god, justice and equality. His contribution was one of the greatest in the periods the 1950s and 1960s. His strong leadership, passive nature will be remembered for years to come and his name will stand along side those like Gangi as some of the greatest fighters for justice. Mr King Jr fought for freedom and equality for the African American population of the US.

Martin Luther King Jr’s great oratory skills helped him greatly in the period of the 50-60’s, he shouting words of hope for a greater America, world and future for the world, “I have a dream it is the American dream” his ability to capture an audience, and some of his speeches will for ever be quoted. His leadership was a crucial part of hi...

Posted by: Andres Cisneros

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