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9-11-01 and the New America

I was asleep in my mother’s bedroom. I woke up to the sun’s rays beaming through the window. I looked at the alarm clock to see how much more time I had left to get ready for school. I decided to turn the news on to check out how the weather was going to be that day. Even though it was rather warm, I was snuggled up in a fluffy comforter, I then plopped myself up to change channels. I decided to stay on Good Day New York because it gives a description of how the weather will be like in the morning, noon, afternoon, and night. The weatherman, Dave Price was declaring what a beautiful day it was going to be. Amidst the usual news anchor banter—it was interrupted by footage of a black gaping hole in one of the Trade Towers. They explained that it was an airplane that crashed into it. The news then focused the camera to this smoking, flaming, and black hole. The news then began to interview witnesses. Some were being interviewed live and...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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