Back to category: Technology Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. 1 – How convergent will new devices and technologies be? Choosing either mobile phones or digital television, look at some recent experiments in providing digital data via these devices, and analyse how successful these experiments might be. The predominant trend in engineering and telecommunications for the past ten years has been one of convergence and the attempt to merge the varying protocols and standards found throughout the world. Specifically, in the field of mobile communications there have been many recent experiments in providing digital data and multimedia via a simple handset. One could argue that new devices and technologies will progressively become more convergent. In regard to this, I have decided to focus and to elaborate on mobile phones. Wireless communications first became available to the public in the early eighties. The first handsets were crude affairs with bulky batteries and analogue transmitters. However, as technology progressed through the years both the radio equipment and the handsets became more sophisticated and streamlined. Nevertheless, the big breakthrough for mobile phones came with the introduction of the GSM protocol for mobile communications. GSM (Global System for Mobile com... Posted by: Jack Drewes Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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