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Zach Smith

Everyone has people they look up too. Be it your father, your favorite athlete, or even a movie star, we all look up to people for different reasons, but usually, because one wants to be just like that person. Well I am no different. I look up to Zach Morris, the star of the late 80’s and early 90’s TV show Saved by the Bell. Just to clarify, his TV personality is Zach Morris, I don’t care about who he is in real life. Well anyway Zach has got it all going for him, he’s got money, good looks, he’s funny and he’s going out with the hottest girl at Bayside High. So how does Zach do it? I don’t think anyone will ever be able to figure that out, but hopefully I can shed some light on it.
Remember back in the 80’s, when cell phones had just come out and they looked like World War 2 nostalgic field walkie-talkies? Well Zach had one of these and back then, they w...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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