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Young good man

Review for Midterm

Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Summary: Brown is leaving his wife to go for a walk in the woods. Wife is named faith and she doesn’t know want him to leave her alone because she doesn’t know what she might do and she thinks he might cheat on her. He assures her nothing will happen to her. He meets the devil in the woods not knowing that the entire night is a set up and his wife, faith, is in on it. The devil offers his staff to Brown and Brown says his father never went into the woods nor his father before him. But the devil tells him that he knew his father and his grandfather and they were friends and that he even helped them out. Brown is supposed to be taken into communion that night. He refuses to go any further into the woods and wonders if there really is a heaven, since his catechist and Deacon are going on the venture with the devil. But once he knows/ thinks his faith is gone he hurries to the meeting place to find the devil scre...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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