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you know what

I have nothing to really say SO i'M JUST GOING to ramble on about whatever comes into my small little brain. well today was a great day. I woke up at hmm about 8 I guess, maybe 9. I woke up to the wonderful sound and the smell of rain. I was quite thrilled to notice that it was raining because I'm getting sick of the sun. Don't get me wrong, I do love the sunshine, especially since I live in a city where it's best known for it's beaches, but sometimes you just need a little rain to brighten up your life. I dislike monotonious things. What a pain it's not 250 words. Well then aren't you the lucky one. I get to ramble even more. I dislike poetry. I don't despise it just yet, and I don't hate it. Hate and despise are strong words to use when it com...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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