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WWI Poets

Explain two ways in which the language was effective in the texts you have studied.

Language How it was effective Example
Uses a certain Tone
Poem 1

Poem 2

Use of Imagery
Poem 1

Poem 2

Dulce et Decorum Est- Wilfred Owen
Anthem for Doomed Youth- Wilfred Owen (Optional- Attached)
The Soldier- Rupert Brooke.

Poem 1
• Tone –Cynical bitter and resentful. Tone tells the reader the poet’s attitude toward war. A use of irony in the title-irony usually indicates a cynical attitude. Being cynical implies a firm resentment and bitterness toward the subject. Once we have read the whole poem we see his resentment and realise he really does not feel it is sweet and right. The title Dulche et Decorun Est was also quoted at the start of WWI to assure the population it is a wonderful and great honour to die for your country. This we know is a lie. ‘My friend you would not tell with such high zest...

Posted by: Quentina Green

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