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Types of Women
Out of all the women in the world, it is close to impossible to find two that are exactly alike; yet, all these women can be broken down into certain categories, including: the motor mouth, mother goose, gold digger, the stage hog, the weeper, the bimbo, and the master debater. Each category has its own unique description of the type of woman you have probably encountered.
The notorious motor mouth is the type that chatters about anything that crosses her mind. She will drive you insane with her endless stories about the girl at work who went on a date with Rob’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother; or how the guy at the supermarket is having an affair with the local sheriff’s wife.
If you are dating a “mother goose,” she’ll be that girl who is constantly fixing your hair and tucking your shirt in. Although she may have good intentions and have many other good qualities, her maternal habits will eventually make you crazy. Now it is possible...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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