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Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill "

Evaluate how successful the marketing of soccer in Australia has been


“The Marketing of soccer in Australia is going downhill because of lack of TV, Media coverage, limited media attention, not enough support from fans, and lack of sponsorship to support the market”.

Soccer as we know it today began in England about halfway through the present century. There are records of earlier forms in China, at least two thousand years ago, in ancient Greece and Rome. But it was in England that soccer began to take the shape as we know it today. Soccer has become a very poplar sport world wide, in some countries soccer; you could say is considered a religion.

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the marketing of soccer in Australia, Find out why soccer is not as big or as popular as it is in other countries and determine why the marketing is going downhill. The assignment will consist of 4 main focus questions which are listed below and will hope...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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