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Why puppy Mills are bad

There was a small Italian Greyhound born in a Missouri puppy mill. It seemed as if this dog was doomed to live and die in her small wire cage. She was bred every heat cycle and her puppies kept coming, year after year after year. When she had her final liter at nine years old, she was sent to auction. Because she was considered useless to other puppy millers, no one would buy her. She was to be destroyed as soon as the auction was over. Luckily, an all-breed rescue person noticed her and bought her for fifty dollars. She was soon named Addie. Addie was ten years old and walked with difficulty. She had no muscle tone or coordination because she did not have the opportunity or the need to develop any in the cage in which she lived. She had gum and sinus infections from years of poor nutrition and dental neglect; twelve of her remaining fourteen teeth had to be extracted. She had a variety of intestinal parasites and mammary tumors that had to be removed. Also, her ribs were p...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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