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Who was to blame for the outbreak of world war 2

Who was to blame for the outbreak of the Second World War? Was it Adolf Hitler or was it the appeasers of Britain and France?
Was Hitler to blame for attacking Poland and others or was it people like Neville Chamberlain who should have taken a firmer stand against Germany.
Many feel the appeasers are to blame. Appeasement is the policy of avoiding war with aggressive powers by giving way to their demands if they are not too unreasonable.
Therefore during my essay I will be discussing whether appeasement was the wrong policy at the wrong time during the 1930’s.
The majority of the British public were against war in the 1930’s. This was shown in the peace ballot of 1935 where the majority favoured peace. The oxford debate also backed up this point. Another indication was the great reception Chamberlain received when he returned from Munich in 1938.
The treaty of Versailles favoured Britain. The prime minister at the time Lloyd George had hoped for a “...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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