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When Grizzlies Walked Upright Summary

The title of my selection is "When Grizzlies Walked Upright." It is an oral legend that was passed by from generation to generation and was later translated into English. Richard Erdoes and Alfonzo Ortiz also retold this story. The Genre of the story is Prose. It is also known as the Modoc story. It is somewhat like a creation story.
"When Grizzlies Walked Upright" is about how the Chief of the Sky Spirits was tired of his home in the Above World and decided to do something about if. So he carved a hole in the sky and created a great mound known today as Mount Shasta. He walked down onto the land and pointed to the ground and everywhere he pointed trees grew. The snow he stepped on as he made his way down melted and created the rivers.
The Sky Spirit broke the small end of the walking stick he held and threw it into the river, which made beavers, otters, and fish. The leaves that fell from trees turned int...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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