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what i believe the bible says about marriage

Throughout the course of history millions of individuals came together to form couples through the process of marriage. Men would grow to maturity and look for a woman that they would love and spend the rest of their days with. They would then be considered as one, and would later proceed to have children who would carry on the family name and honor. God designed the process of marriage, and has outlined what I believe are the right rules on when and why marriage can be a good thing, or a bad thing.
The first marriage recorded in history was between Adam and Eve. Adam was lonely in the garden of Eden, so God created Eve for him to keep him company. He says in Genesis 2:24 that a man, when he is old enough, is to leave his parents protection and find a wife to nurture his needs and rely on. When they are married they become “one flesh”, and together...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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