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Web Site Analysis

Website Analysis Formative
The Mecair website is very neatly presented. Its purpose is to provide information for the user on air-conditioning. This business is self owned and has a few locations in Adelaide so it is representing itself. The information provided is presented in a neat matter. It is not cluttered with links or advertisement giving the user relief. It is user friendly with well organised and easy to use navigational tabs showing things from products to store locators. There is one link on the page which is also a website I will analgise, it is used to promote on how to get to the Mecair companies. The data that is mainly requested by Mecair is your email. After not entering any details or even a comment clicking on the submit tab, I was presented with “Sorry, the email address you entered is invalid.” I believe that the information you enter in will be used for things like newsletters and specials.


Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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