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water shortage

Water. If you've got it, you probably take it for granted. But a quick scan of the globe will indicate to us that water shortages are looming.

The World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages that threaten health and economies while 40 percent of the world — more than 2 billion people — have no access to clean water or sanitation.

About 5 million people die each year from poor drinking water, poor sanitation, or a dirty home environment -- often resulting from water shortage.

China, with 1.26 billion people, is "the one area worrying most people most of the time," says Marq de Villiers, author of the recently published "Water ". In dry Northern China, the water table is dropping one meter per year due to overpumping, and the Chinese admit that 300 cities are running short. They are diverting water from agriculture and farmers are going out of business." "
In India, home to 1.002 billion people, key aquifers are being overpumped, and the soil is growing ...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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