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WHILE industrious and choice spirits, aided by the light afforded by
Giotto and his followers, strove to show the world the talent with
which their happy stars and well-balanced humours had endowed them,
and endeavoured to attain to the height of knowledge by imitating the
greatness of Nature in all things, the great Ruler of Heaven looked
down and, seeing these vain and fruitless efforts and the presumptuous
opinion of man more removed from truth than light from darkness,
resolyed, in order to rid him of these errors, to send to earth a
genius universal in each art, to show single-handed the perfection of
line and shadow, and who should give relief to his paintings, show a
sound judgment in sculpture, and in architecture should render
habitations convenient, safe, healthy, pleasant, well-pro- portioned,
and enriched with various ornaments. He further endowed him with true
moral philosophy and a sweet poetic spirit, so that the world should

Posted by: Andres Cisneros

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