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Death is treated with impersonal efficiency.
Cook - wonders. permited too give dead mens rations to all of the surving soldiers. (or)
perhaps when Kemmerich dies - take away - other soldiers to have his bed
This horrifying violence and destruction is too much for young soldiers
overblown phrases of nationalistis rhetoric quickly lose their persuasive power
tend to take on a quality of hypocrisy and ignorance.
6th Paragraph
Another just as important motif would be the animal instinct which is indicated through out "All Quiet On The Western Front"
Remarque specifies - soldier to survive in battle - turn off his mind and operate morely on instinct.
soldiers become less like a human being and more like an animal. (statement is reinforced when Paul thinks of himself as a " Human Animal "
soldiers react same - inorder to survive ferocious battles.
Experience of battle -quite animalistic - young men try to trust their senses over their thoughts and sniff out safety whenever they ca...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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