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Trade to Mexico

I found an article on free trade. I would like to tell you more about it. I will start by telling you about what it was about. I will show you some examples on how it could affect us in the U.S. Next I would like to share my option on the article. I will give you some example on how this article may or may not affect my current job. Finally I will tell you what type of international work I’ve done in the past.
I went online to the Phoenix website and found an article on free trade. It talked about breaking out all over of free trade. It stated that beginning July, European exports will for the first time clear Mexico customs as freely as those coming from the United States and Canada. You might think well they have joined the NAFT but they did not. But in many respects it might as well be a member because they have the same rights. It is called EU-Mexico free trade pact, that both of them agreed to late last year. European exporters now have many benefits-including lo...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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