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To kill a mockingbird

TO kill a mocking bird (ewells vs. cunninghams)

“I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had” (130). In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, two poor white families are used to show that no matter what cards you are dealt in life, if you play the hand to the best of your ability, then that makes you Fine Folk. The Ewells and the Cunninghams are the two families at the bottom of the class “totem pole” However, upon closer inspection, it is easy to see that the two families are only alike in the sense that they are poor and white. Although the Ewells and the Cunninghams living conditions, behavior, and impact on society may at times appear to have similarities, they are two very different families.
Although neither the Ewells nor the Cunninghams had much money, they dealt with their situations very differently. “Maycomb’s Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin....

Posted by: Jason Cashmere

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