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The movie Titanic, directed by James Cameron, has been one of the most successful movies ever made. James Cameron uses incredible effects in the movie that makes the audience thrilled (uses a lot of different techniques to show his style). Cameron became the most famous director after Titanic, known for his creative and unusual style in the unforgettable film. While James Cameron has been indisputably known for his fine attainment of style in movies such as Terminator 2 and Alien, Titanic has exceeded all expectations of the audience all over the world. The narrator tells a fictional story, whilst relating it to the real event of the ship that sank in the year of 1912. The movie is unique in that it makes the audience feel as though they are actually aboard the ship. Cameron brings about the dynamic themes of romance, adventures, mischief, all rolled into one piece of art.
James Cameron is considered a prodigy filmmaker who not only directs, but writes produc...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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