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TIN (Sn)

The element of tin received its name from the goddess Tinia.
The atomic number of tin is 50.
The symbol is Sn. It is derived from the Latin word for tin, “stannum”.
The average atomic mass is 118.710
The electron configuration for tin is 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s 24d 105p2
The quantum numbers for Tin is 5, 2, 0, +1/2.
The common ions for tin are Sn2+and Sn4+.
Tin belongs to the groups of metals and carbons of the periodic table.
Common compounds of tin include SNS, SnH4, SnBr2, and SnTe.
Tin is commonly used to protect other metals (ex: tin cans are made from tin coated steel),the chloride (SnCl2.H2O) is used as a reducing agent and as a mordant in calico printing, window glass is made by floating molten glass on molten tin, and Tributyltin, a tin compound, is the active ingredient in a type of paint used on ships.
There are 10 common isotopes of tin. They are 112 (.95%), 114 (.65%), 115 (.34%), 116 (14.24%), 117 (7.57%), 118 (24.01%), 119 (8.59%), 120 (32.97%), 122...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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