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Thurgood Marshall

Thurgood Marshall By:Michael Davis 1st Period Febuary13,2003
Thurgood Marshall, one of the greatest lawyers for the NAACP and the first black justice on the united states supreme court. All through his carrear he fought for rights for non-whites with a fierce, never tiring stamina until his case was won. His acheviements created many civil rights for the afracian-american and other non-white races, such as outlaw discrimination in school.
Thurgood Marshall was born in Baltimore, Maryland on 1908. Thurgood was named after his grandfather, a former slave who later changed his name to thugood when he joined the United States Army. Thurgood’s mother, Norma Arica Marshall, became one of the first African-Americans to graduate from Columbia Teacher’s College in New York City. Thurgood’s Father, William Marshall, worked in an exclusive white club as a railroad porter and as head steward. Later on Thurgood’s father became the first African-am...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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