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Thoreau vs. Ivan

Henry David Thoreau would not approve of the way that Ivan Llych lived his life. In Walden by Thoreau and “The Death of Ivan llych” by Leo Tolstoy, both Ivan and Thoreau isolate themselves from the people around them and become independt. Thoreau has our important values that he fallows throught the story. They are: living simple with only bare necessaties, having solitude and not caring about opinions of others, you yourself are the best teacher, and having an unjust government. Ivan rejects these values and .

Thoreau has four important values in life that he fallows in everyday life. First, Thoreau finds that living with the “bare necessities” creates happiness. Thoreau states, “People work too hard for things they don’t really need” (103). The bare necessities of life include food, shelter, clothing, and fuel. Society should be working to afford the bare necessities and nothing else. Anything extra is merely a luxury and therefore not needed. This helpe...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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